About US
Resource Development Foundation (RDF) is a national level social development organization has started its philanthropic activities in 1993. It is the brainchild of Mr. M Golam Mostofa, the Founder and Chief Executive of the organization. RDF has got its physical shape in 1990 but it had been in the process of formation when the catastrophic cyclone of 1970 hit the then Patuakhali coastal district, resulting great miseries of the people in the affected area.
At that period, the founder was 10 years old, who saw the devastation and the miseries of the distressed people that touched the soft soul of the “little boy Golam Mostofa”. Accordingly, the founder has seen the destruction of the liberation war in 1971 when he was 11 years old. Since then he decided to stand beside the distressed people and the victims. From then he had been preparing himself to stand beside them by doing social activities through business and worked hard; RDF is its result.
At present, RDF has become a giant tree in the development sector in Bangladesh where more than 1,708 experienced and committed personnel are working hard like the Founder for improvement of quality lives of the people in the country as a whole.
RDF got its registration from Department of Social Service (DSS) in 1995 and Micro-Credit Regulatory Authority (MRA) in 2009. In addition to that, RDF has established a very strong network with other national and international organizations those are well acquainted in the country and in the abroad. These organizations are: World Bank, JICA, Bangladesh Bank, Nationalized and Private Banks,financial institutions, Commercial Banks, GoB Research Institute, International and nationally reputed organizations like BRRI, BFRI, BARC, BARI, GIZ, Orphan Support International USA (OSI-USA), CARE-Bangladesh.
Since its inception, RDF has been serving the disaster affected distressed people by addressing their primary & basic needs. Based on the priority of needs, RDF has been working for the targeted people with several renowned national and international organizations; specially focusing on agricultural development (crops, livestock and fisheries). It is fact that, except agricultural growth no further development can be achieved in Bangladesh.
RDF has been supplementing GoB in reducing food deficiency in the country. It has been trying to integrate conventional and innovative approach to resolve this food security issue. Agricultural development through micro-credit support which is a conventional method and agricultural development through Solar Irrigation Pumping System (SIPS) is one of the most modern and innovative avenue which was introduced by RDF to mitigate the food crisis from the country. These ideas and policies have been implementing by RDF along with some other partners.
The focusing priority areas of RDF are : Poverty eradication, Women Empowerment, Green Power Development through alternative renewable energy, Green Resource Mobilization through Bangladesh Bank, Refinancing Scheme, Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (EDSc), to encourage small & medium entrepreneurs, agricultural development projects to reduce food insecurity, human resources development, medical supports & services to ensure good health, child development and development education for a competent society, awareness building on health & sanitation, climate change & disaster preparedness issues.
Within 30 years of its establishment, RDF is now able to establish itself as one of the leading development organizations in Bangladesh by dint of its prudent policy guidelines and executions, wider range of products & services and excellent performance of renewable energy.
Meanwhile, the organization has established a brand image in energy sector by catering superior green energy services using state-of-art technology and efficient human resources During 1990-2021 period.
RDF performed a tremendous success with its growth including innovation, problem identifications & solutions, safe life and livelihood, technology transfer, Capacity building, Green Power solution through Solar System, in irrigation, Rooftop, Street lighting and Disaster Management.
In the mean time RDF installed a number of 157 Solar Irrigation Pumping Systems (SIPS) and a number of 1,49,515 Solar Home Systems (SHS), a number of 175 Rooftop in the off grid areas in Green Energy (GE) sector in Bangladesh which have been contributing to the GoB power sector in reducing very small scale power crisis of the country. Aggregately, RDF is producing 5.69 MW green electricity by solar which is substantially saving the same amount from our national grid line as well. In addition to the above mentioned activities, RDF has installed a number of 56,410 ICS (Scientific Burner) in the rural households’ level in Bangladesh.
Besides the renewable energy sector, RDF has been performing its role with a view to achieving its long term vision through Women Empowerment, Pre-schooling, Child Education, Health & Sanitation, Protection & Promotion of Rakhaign Community Rights, Adult & Adolescents Girls Development Education, Human Rights & Good Governance, Violence Against Women (VAW), small house building for poor and Relief & Rehabilitation activities in any emergency situation.
RDF has been performing Microcredit Program and under this program RDF not only provides micro-credit loans but also introduced the future savings of the beneficiaries along with life insurance. Its regular & special savings scheme, beneficiary development scheme (BDS), staff development scheme (SDS) and Post Disaster Management Schemes created significant role in the beneficiaries & the society.
We do feel proud to mention that, till June 2021, RDF provided financial and technical assistance/supports to a number of 9,43,725 individual beneficiaries where more than 95% are women.
“ We are always beside the victims”.