+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

Aspiration to Stop Child Marriage in Bangladesh (ASCM)

The Project is know as “Aspiration” was implemented by RDF for one year (February 2019 to February 2020 to contribute to the national agenda for zero marriage of girls under 15 and one third reduction in marriage of girls under 18 years by 2021.

The main objective of the project, within this short period, was to have “increased agency of adolescent girls and boys to protect themselves from harmful child early and forced marriage including to increase capacity to have choice of economic opportunities and decisions in their futures.

The project has protected 500 adolescent girls (aged 12 to 15 years) under 3 schools and 100 out of school adolescent girls from early and forced marriage, in Borguna district of Central South part of Bangladesh.

This project, under schools, adolescent girls and boys were trained and sensitized through integrated activities with “life skills” training, “Training on Gender Based Violence and Child Early and Forced Marriage”.

It also enabled the families with girls aged 12-18 years by economic empowerment and moving forward from the taboos and other social influences to project the from child early and forced marriage.