+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

Coastal Area Rehabilitation Project (CARP)

Livelihood of cyclone AILA and SIDR affected people in the project area is diversified and improved, and coping capacity increased to deal with impacts of disaster and climate change enhanced at household and community level.

 The project was implemented during 2009 to 2012 in Taltoli Upazila under Borguna district with the purpose to “Restore Livelihood which were damaged by Climate Induced natural disaster. The population in selected communities in the coastal region of Bangladesh sustainably rehabilitate their living conditions and reduce their vulnerability to natural hazards and impact of climate change. 

The main objectives were

  • The Livelihood of the affected target population is rehabilitated.
  • The infrastructure (relating to livelihood and disaster preparedness) is rehabilitated and strengthened. 

The project has supported with

  • Tree Plantation and Cash for Work:

The project has planted 2000 fruit and medicinal tree in different school ground. The project also reconstructed earthen road.  Damaged roads by SIDR and AILA has reconstructed with prior the prior consent of Union Parishad members. Since the roads are being repaired, it will help the local inhabitant to go for a safe shelter during any cyclone.  

  • Small Business:

5,000 Taka each has been provided to 200 members for small business.

Vocational Activities: Two days training on Business Management and ten days technical training was provided to 200 beneficiaries. After providing training has given 5000 Tk. to each of them to purchase some retail accessories.   

  • Rickshaw-Van:

Rickshaw-Van has been procured and distributed to the 60 male beneficiaries. Two days training on Business Management has provided to 20 male beneficiaries. Each rickshaw has purchased for the amount of Tk. 13,950.    

  • Sewing Machine:

We have provided 70 no. Sewing Machine among the 70 no. poor women. 10 days technical training and two days business management training has provided.    

  • Goat Rearing:

Four days training on goat rearing have provided to 150 beneficiaries and after those two days refreshers training have provided as well.   

  • Hen/chick rearing:

200 beneficiaries have been selected for hen/chick rearing. At first four days training has provided to them and distributed seven local hens and one local cock to each beneficiary.   

  • Duck Rearing:

50 beneficiaries have been selected for duck rearing. At first four days training has provided to them and distributed ten ‘Zingding’ types of duck to each beneficiary.   

  • Community based forestation nursery:

05 community nursery has been established. Twenty beneficiaries are involved. Four days training has provided to them. Seeds of fruit plant, medicine plant, fertilizer, poly bag and other related materials are being distributed to the beneficiaries. 20,000 plants have been produced in each nursery.   

  • Support to the Rakhine Women:

Provided support to the 51 Rakhine women headed families with financial assistance to start their looms damaged by the natural disasters.