+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

Combating Early Marriage in Bangladesh (CEMB) Project

Resource Development Foundation (RDF)has been implementing four years “Combating Early Marriage in Bangladesh(CEMB)” project since 2019 funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The CEMB project is being implemented in four Upazilas of Jhalakati District in partnership with Plan International Bangladesh.

Objectives of the project:

1)  Increased agency of adolescent girls and boys to protect themselves from harmful gender norms and practices, including CEFM, and exercise choice about their futures via enhanced economic empowerment, knowledge and capacity;

2)   Improved community acceptance of norms that value the girl child and actions that support girls and boys to delay marriage by building the ability and capacity of champion fathers, mothers, and community gatekeepers.

3) Increased responsiveness of duty bearers at national, district and sub-district (Upazila) level to prevent and respond to child rights violations, particularly CEFM by scaling up of the SMS-based age verification and online marriage registration systems. All 3 components will be implemented in 4 Upazilas in Jhalokati district.