+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

Skills Development Programme

Bangladesh economy has enjoyed a sustained economic growth and achieved the GDP growth rate of more than 6% per annum during the past decade (BER 2018). During this time, the share of industry and service sectors has increased steadily in comparison with the agriculture sector. In 2018-19, the GDP growth of Bangladesh reached more than 8% (BBS). Such rapid transformation of the economy will contribute towards realizing its goal of becoming a developed country by 2041. For this, Bangladesh needs to sustain this growth momentum for another two decades. Since, there is a limit to the sector-led growth, the country needs to give emphasis on ways to increase productivity. It is proved that there is a strong correlation between the lack of skills development opportunities, low skill status of workers, low productivity etc. and low earnings of both formal and informal sector workers.

Skilling. To achieve the country’s goals, the 8th five-year plan, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 2nd Perspective Plan (2021-2041) are linked, inter alia, to the smooth and effective transformation of the traditional skills development system into a competency-based modern system that ensures state of art training on the cutting-edge technologies.

Along with the Social development and Resilience to Climate Change impact, in line with government policies (e.g. NSDP), SDG target by 2030, national perspective plan 2041,RDF has been intensively working on Skilled Human Resource Development. RDF has been providing employable skills to it

beneficiaries (mainly targeting the youths), through two different approaches. One is to impart skills training directly through its Skill Development Training Centers and another is to establish link and refer the beneficiaries to the government Technical Training Institutes for the skills which RDF is not offering directly.This is to be noted that as per the National Skills Development Policy RDF is now registered with National Skill Development Authority (NSDA, registration-STP-BAR-001359).

NSDA Certificate 1

NSDA, registration-STP-BAR-001359 Certificate

RDF has been intensively working on Skilled Human Resource Development.RDF has been providing employable skills to it beneficiaries (mainly targeting the youths), through two different approaches.

One is to impart skills training directly through its Skill Development Training Centers and another is to establish link and refer the beneficiaries to the government Technical Training Institutes for the skills which RDF is not offering directly.

This is to be noted that as per the National Skills Development Policy RDF is now registered with National Skill Development Authority (NSDA, registration- STP-BAR-001359).

Technical Skills Training for your youths by RDF:

During last three years, RDF has provided technical training (short course, minimum 360 hours’ course) under three different projects, which are, “Combatting Early Marriage in Bangladesh-CEMB”, “Girls Get Equal-GGE”, both were funded by Plan International, Bangladesh and “Partnership Reinforcement for Integrated Skills Enhancement (PRISE) Project” project funded by KFW/BRAC through its Skills Development Training Center in Barguna Town. This is to be noted that RDF its own ten storied well-equipped training center with skilled and experienced pool of Trainers.

The course offered to the beneficiaries (youth/trainees);

Name of Course Course Duration
Computer Operation 75 Days (360 houses)
Commuter Hardware Maintenance for IT support 75 Days (360 houses)
Motor Driving 60 days (360 houses)
Tiles Fitting 75 Days (360 houses)
General Electrical Works 75 Days (360 houses)
Sewing machine Operation 75 Days (360 houses)
Garments Manufacturing 75 Days (360 houses)
Carpentry (Wood Furniture) 6 months
Tailoring and female dress making 6 months
Beauty Saloon 6 months

During last three years, RDF has facilitated/conducted the above mentioned training to 435 youths (Female-229, Male-206) as shown below;

Year Intake for Short Courses Remarks
2022 FY Jan-Dec (CEMB & GGE Projects funded by Plan International and PRISE Project Funded by BRAC) Total 90 Trainees (F-50, M-40) Duration 04 Months @ 3 Batch (360 Hours)
2023 FY Jan-Dec (CEMB & GGE Projects funded by Plan International and PRISE Project Funded by BRAC) Total 255 Trainees (F-137, M-118) Duration 04 Months @ 3 Batch(360 Hours)
2024 FY Jan-Dec Total Trainees 90 (F-42, M-48) Duration 04 Months @ 3 Batch (360 Hours)
Total Trainees last 03 years 435 Trainees Female: 229, Male: 206

This is to be noted that 100% of our trainees have completed their full courses, out of which 52.64% are female graduates.

 As part of “Women Economic Empowerment”, RDF has been providing skills and business management training to its beneficiaries to develop as independent “Entrepreneurs” under its “Entrepreneurship Development Scheme-EDSc”. During last three years, RDF has supported (both with skills training and start-up capital support” to 1,876 beneficiaries on the following trades;

Name Business Trades Duration of the Course Number of Beneficiaries Supported
Agricultural Activities 15 days 1,223
Cottage & Handicrafts 15 days 05
Fisheries Business 15 days 56
Livestock Business 15 days 337
Small Business 15 days 215
Total 1,836

Developing Skills in Agricultural Sector:

This year, RDF has also signed an agreement with Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM) under Ministry of Agriculture financed by World Bank to conduct series of training on agriculture in Barguna district.

 Job Placement Cell

In order to ensure employment of the youths/trainees, RDF has its own “Job Placement Cell” comprising with three (3) members’ team headed by a Senior Management Team member of the organization. Two of them are based in our Skill Development Training Center, RDF Tower, Barguna. The key responsibilities of this Cell is to keep close liaise with the employers (job market), organizes “Internship/Industrial Attachment” to gain practical knowledge and experience from the potential employers’ companies, NGOs, factories etc. This Job Placement Cell brings tremendous outcomes for the trainees/graduates to get employed and also supports the graduates who want to become an entrepreneurs. In last three years (January 2021-June 2024), 84% of our graduates are employed (either self-employed or employed by others).