+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

RDF Social Mobilization and Development Program(SMDP)

Combating Early Marriage in Bangladesh (CEMB) Project:

Resource Development Foundation (RDF)has been implementing four years “Combating Early Marriage in Bangladesh(CEMB)” project since 2019 funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The CEMB project is being implemented in four Upazilas of Jhalakati District in partnership with Plan International Bangladesh.

Objectives of the project:

1)  Increased agency of adolescent girls and boys to protect themselves from harmful gender norms and practices, including CEFM, and exercise choice about their futures via enhanced economic empowerment, knowledge and capacity;

2)   Improved community acceptance of norms that value the girl child and actions that support girls and boys to delay marriage by building the ability and capacity of champion fathers, mothers, and community gatekeepers.

3) Increased responsiveness of duty bearers at national, district and sub-district (Upazila) level to prevent and respond to child rights violations, particularly CEFM by scaling up of the SMS-based age verification and online marriage registration systems. All 3 components will be implemented in 4 Upazilas in Jhalokati district.

Aspiration to Stop Child Marriage in Bangladesh Project:

Resource Development Foundation (RDF) has been implementing the project namely “Aspiration to Stop Child Marriage in Bangladesh” project in BargunasadarUpazila”since 2019 supported by Plan International Bangladesh.

Objectives of the Project:

The ultimate objective of the project is reduced vulnerability of adolescents, particularly girls, to stop child early and force marriage (CEFM) in BargunaSadarUpazila of Barguna district with a specific focus on reducing the proportion of girls married or in union under the ages of 18 and 15 in this upazila, through a comprehensive approach that seeks to engage girls, mobilize community stakeholders, strengthen existing child protection (CP) mechanisms and create an enabling and protective environment.

Strengthening Economic Security of Marginalized Young women in Bangladesh project:

Resource Development Foundation (RDF)has beenimplementing the project namely “Strengthening Economic Security for Marginalized Women (SES)” project in Bargunasince 2017 supported by Plan International Bangladesh.


Young Women are economically productive through effective training and Income Generating opportunities and socially empowered to achieve gender equality in the world of work.


i. Young women are capacitated for regular income generation through wage and self-employment and have control on how to use resources and money.

ii. Key members of the household support and share role and responsibility.

iii. Vulnerability and risk of losses of resources are reduced and coping mechanisms exist.

iv. Community understanding/awareness/support for young women participation in IGAs is increased and social threats for women at work are reduced.

v. Local market linkages and partnerships for the provision and exchange of inputs, services and products of most marginalized HHs are established and functioning.

Components of Social Mobilization & Development Program (SMDP) are:

(i)Women Development

(ii) Pre-schooling & Child Education

(iii)Protection & Promotion of Rakhaign Community Rights

(iv)Adult& Adolescents Girls Development Education

(v)Human Rights & Good Governance

(vi)Health, Sanitation & Social Awareness

(vii)‘Grihayon Karjokrom’ (small house building) through Bangladesh Bank

Women Development:

RDF’s one of the major objectives is empowerment of women. In Bangladesh about 50% of the total populations are women, so their active participation is needed for themselves as well as for development of the society. RDF believes  through engage in income generating activities women can contribute to  their sustainable livelihood and by taking education on  health care, legal rights, able to change them in a positive direction. Therefore to achieve the vision RDF has been operating several income generating activities for women’s development like mini poultry farm, homestead gardening, duck rearing, chicken rearing, goat rearing, small grocery shops etc. 26,700 women beneficiaries have achieve their sustainable livelihood by the women developments activities.  Resulting women beneficiaries are strongly benefited through model village poultry activities. At present scenario of Barguna and Patuakhali districts are shifting. Duck chicken and goat rearing is common portrait of these areas. All the beneficiaries are now skilled in poultry management and disease control. Community based poultry and livestock management has taken place through these activities.

Besides these activities, RDF has organized trainings on disaster management, health and hygiene consciousness, capacity building on different income generating activities for the female beneficiaries to ensure sustainable livelihood development. Surprisingly the measurable impacts of all the development activities are reflecting in their daily lives as well as society. Now the beneficiaries are strong enough in any decision making to their families and society. They are now sending their children in schoolThe society is transforming in positive directions gradually. Their economic condition and outlook have changed. RDF is striving hard to bring this kind of positive changes in the society. By these development activities, RDF has enclosed isolated populations in the mainstream of the society. Every woman under RDF’s program got their own identity and surprisingly some of them are taking the leading role in the society by participating in local government election. Presently one of woman beneficiary is acting as Union Parishad member as well as Upazila women Vice Chairman also.

 RDF has several activities on Women development component:

  • Motivation campaign to Mother and Child Health
  • Motivation campaign for Natural Family Planning
  • Action program for Child and Adult Education
  • Civil Society’s Awareness Development

Achieved activities of Women Development up to June 2013

Activity No. of Beneficiaries
Women sustained: 26,700
Women received training: 24,071
Skilled women in disaster management: 10,376
Skilled women in social activities: 3,454
Activity Percentage
Skilled women in agriculture: 82%
Women in education: 100%
Health & hygiene consciousness: 100%
Marketing capacity building: 100%
Alternative IGA established in fishing communities: 81%
Rakhaign women involved in alternative IGA: 80%

(ii)RDF Pre-schooling and Child Education
The devastating cyclone in 1970, “SIDR” of 2007 and AILA of 2009 in southern coastal belt of Bangladesh brought immense sufferings of the people; killed thousands of lives, cattle, and goat, destroyed natural resources like crops, plants, damaged houses and household’s commodities. According to the government report, observations and the daily newspapers, severely affected district was Barguna which is situated close to the sea. Based on the extent of the damage, RDF, being a philanthropic and development organization is committed to help the cyclone affected people.

With the assistance of Grameen Phone, RDF established two cyclone shelters where 3000 people can take shelter Shelter were built to provide duel services. During cyclone, affected people will take shelter and wide-ranging to be use as school for children. 30 children, aged 4-5 years get chance every year for non-formal pre-school education before going to formal education in primary schools. RDF is also providing education materials like dress, pencil, books etc to those students. Till June 2013, RDF provided non-formal education support to 270 students.

(iii)Protection & Promotion of Rakhaign Community Rights:

Through this component, RDF is working for theRakhaign ethnic community at TaltoliUpazilla of Barguna district. Their heritage is day by daydepartingout of sight. To bring back the heritage of Rakhaign community, RDF stood besides that community and has been working for the protection of their rights, mother language, education, culture. RDF is also providing micro credit to the Rakhaign communities for manufacturing their years-long traditional handmade handicrafts which have good demand in local, national and international markets. RDF also makes a supply chain linkage between seller and buyer from manufacturing to the end users for their manufacturing products. Through the support from RDF, they are earning more. Resulting their socio-economic condition is changing gradually. Frustrations have moved out and now they have become more hopeful about their future lives.

RDF established 7 non-formal schools for Rakhaign community that is completely run by 7 Rakhaign women teachers. In every year, 200 students receive non-formal education from these schools and till June 2013, RDF has provided support to 1,250 Rakhaign students. It is encouraging to note that 7 unemployed Rakhaign young ladies are employed as school teacher.

(iv)  Adult & Adolescent Girls Development Education under ‘KishoriShonglap’


Under this component, RDF has another non-formal education program adult/aged women and adolescent girls. They are trained up in various income generating activities like tailoring, handicraft, small grocery shops, poultry and livestock rearing, homestead gardening etc. RDF also educates these adolescent girls about child and women rights, hygiene, family planning and health-care activities, sanitation, equality between male and female child, affects of dowry, family act, bad impact on early marriage, divorce, necessity for marriage registration, birth registration, child & mother health issue, STD/HIV/AIDS, disaster management, different kinds of government and non-government services available in their locality. Under this activity, till June 2013, RDF has already provided support to 1,200 adolescent girls.

At a glance Non formal education  and Kishori Shonglap scenario up to June 2013

Non Formal Primary Education
Duration Up to-2013
School 02
Total Student 60
Non Formal Primary Education
Duration Up to-2013
Shonglap Center 10