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+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

+8802-22243850, +8801733065522

Strengthening Economic Security of Marginalized Young women in Bangladesh

Resource Development Foundation (RDF)has beenimplementing the project namely “Strengthening Economic Security for Marginalized Women (SES)” project in Bargunasince 2017 supported by Plan International Bangladesh.


Young Women are economically productive through effective training and Income Generating opportunities and socially empowered to achieve gender equality in the world of work.

i. Young women are capacitated for regular income generation through wage and self-employment and have control on how to use resources and money.
ii. Key members of the household support and share role and responsibility.
iii. Vulnerability and risk of losses of resources are reduced and coping mechanisms exist.
iv. Community understanding/awareness/support for young women participation in IGAs is increased and social threats for women at work are reduced.
v. Local market linkages and partnerships for the provision and exchange of inputs, services and products of most marginalized HHs are established and functioning.